Monday, August 31, 2009

ya, saya anak merdeka ;)

ya ya ya,
dan sekali lagi ya!
aku anak merdeka.
dan aku bangga.
bukan aku nak riak.
bukan aku nak show off.
tapi aku seronok.
bila kawan kawan ingat besday aku.
dorang senang ingat.
dan aku senang hati.
aku hepi.
semua hepi.
tak caya?
try tanya mereka.
mereka yang hari jadinya serupa.
serupa dengan beta.
memang pon.
kalau besday, mesti ada prank.
prank nak kenakan aku.
mmg seronok prenggg org kan?
ya ya.
mereka seronok.
ketawakan aku.
ha ha ha.
ha, lagu tu la depa gelak.
bila dorang cakap.
kereta berasap tengah jalan.
aku turun kereta.
muka dah gelabah biawak.
tahap nak teriak.
tengok tengok.
ada kek besar.
yang boleh lawan saiz biawak.
mmg kek tu sedap.
ya sedap gila.
sedap sedap sedap!
semua kawan kawan.
aku hargai.
aku ulang ni.
terimakasih untuk semua.
tak dapat balas budi.
semoga dapat rahmat Allah selalu.
dan semua org yg wish kat aku.
tunggu kat kafe V5 esok.
aku belanja hampa semua!
saya da 18!
akhir kata,
terimakasih semua.
sambotlah merdeka we!


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Maaaa, nak balik.

Yes, people.
I'm homesick rite now.

Starting last two days.

I miss my mom so much.
Is she all rite?
Alone during this fasting month.
Mama, sorry cause you have to buka puasa alone for the whole Ramadhan this year.
Really sorry cause I can't make it to go home.

Please takecare mama.
Will always love and miss you.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Anis my bestie drew this.
She's awesome.

I miss those moments where we laugh and eat together.
:) (:

Ouh, I'm sucks!

I got four tests and one quiz in the upcoming weeks,
but now, I'm still doing craps.
bukannya nak pi baca buku!
tolong nasihat sikit.
budak ini pemalas.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Larian Batik Merdeka '09

VENUE : Around UTP campus

TIME : 8.00am

DATE : 15th August 2009


*Medals to the first 20 winners + food and drink will be provided*

x x x x x x x x x

ALHAMDULILLAH, I finished the race at 14th place. ^^ HEHE. I'm so damn tired but I did enjoyed my day! Medals will be given during 'Malam Sanggar Mustika' on next Wednesday.

ohh, muka aku aneh! -__-"

marah kat Ezazee sb dapat 4th place! JELES!

aah, kami mmg HEBAT! wehuuu.

ini kain batik. HARUS pakai kat tangan. beg celcom dapat free. ;)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

penat ohh.

Releasing all my brain bugs by editing pics. Still a miserable day for today. Six classes in a row with just two-hour gap. Gooshh! T_T'' Penat kottttt. Test 1 for Econs is coming next two weeks. Ohhhhhh. What I'm gonna do now? Tidoq atau study? Atau melengung di tepi jalan rumah? ;'(

facing the future.

p/s: FACEBOOK da boleh guna! :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm voting for Manis Band in 'Lagu 1Malaysia Kita' competition by Hot FM. ^^

Ohh, firstly I wanna say that yesterday was miserable. HECTIC. My schedule packed with lectures and tutorial sessions - 8 am till 7.30 pm. Ohh, penatnyaaa. Tak sempat online pun! Then malam got silat training pulak. Gooooshhh, mmg penat! But today just got two lectures. YEYE! :)

Just now I am voting a song in 'Lagu 1Malaysia Kita' competition organized by Hot FM. It is open for all Malaysians. You only have to write a song - a NEW NEW song of course! Song about '1Malaysia'. I am sure you all know well what '1Malaysia' is. ^^ So, no need for me to describe more about 1Malaysia here. Kalau still xtawu, gi google kat internet. Okayy? :)

Okay, back to our main story - I was voting for a song. What song? Ngeh ngeh. I voted a really nice song by MANIS BAND titled 'Keranamu Hati Ku Malaysia'. Waaa, MANIS BAND is a newcomer indie band and is the ONLY ONE from their genre that made their way to the FINAL stage. Ouhh, congrats guys! :) I just love the way they expressed their music. Very nice. :)

And if you all are interested to vote for them, or the other songs, or you just wanna look around, just simply go to this URL;

and pls pls pls vote for the best! :) Hohoooo.

Ooookay! IBIS class waiting! TATA, and takecare all. ;)

manis band.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

kamu JAHAT MULUT! kesiannya saya.

I'm not that desperate!

Ish! Yes you are, Yan. You are not desperate. Those BIGMOUTHS and FREAKOS and STUPIDOS and DESPERADOS that make you feel that. Ohh, sh*ttt! I feel like wanna kick their stupid fu*king ass! Nak tarik tarik rambut diorang, and please, gimme one chance to SLAP each and every one of them!

Please laaar, you are all big enuf to think with your own f*cking brain, and speak good things about people with your own f*cking mouth! Say hell to your big fu*king selves!

People oh people, forgive me for that. :'(
Those SICKOS just giving me a brainsick!

*I'm trying to keep my temper down and just keep this hell thing just to myself, but I can't stand anymore for this time, MELAMPAU! *

Monday, August 10, 2009

hey mondayy! :)

Here the weekdays come again. Today is Monday. Waking up LATE for my subuh's prayer at 6.56am this morning make me feel soooo damn bad. 'Astaghfirullahalazimmm'. Then I noticed that I did not iron my baju kurung and my shawl yet! Ohh, dangg! I got class at 8 this morning and I still 'terkulat-kulat' on my bed! Haishhh.

x x x x x x x x x x x x

After 30 minutes.....

I rushed to my foundation maths II class with ANIS, my dear coursemate. HAHA, *DEAR la sgt kan Anisss? Ngeh ngeh. ^^* Then, we were off to our tutorial maths session pulakkk! On the way we went there, we kept praying that our tutor - Miss Zahrati, is a good tutor, not a tormenter! Takmau la kerja banyak banyak! Hehe, and thanked Allah! She is really a nice person, soft spoken, kerja yg dia bagi pon tak banyak (hello, empat soalan tu banyak kaaa?), and for sure! She's not a tormenter! Hoooyeh! :) Cheer for Miss Zahrati! HEHE. Ohh, and she's a master student in UTP and she's from INDONESIA.

Ahaaa, what make I feel really really super damn happy is when Miss Diana - my IBIS lecturer is not in duty for this week! HOOORAYYY! Haha, sorry Miss Diana, but I've got to express my sense of happiness. Hehe. Then, of course we got a replacement lecturer; Madam Mazlina Mehat. And you know what? She's really awesome! Paham sebijik-sebijik yang dia ajaq! Masuk kepala, xkeluaq2 dahh! Seriouslyyy. :) Ermm, sorry to sayyy, but Miss Diana's lecture was not kinda' impressed me even though she speaks with the Australian accent. She's too professional, sampai dia tak berapa noticed yang her students ni baru foundation, not yet a CEO of a company. Ohh, I'm really sorry Miss Diana. But you just really pretty in your shorts skirt. Hehe. :)

Just finished my Economics class, I'd planned to go to Pocket C and buy my programming book. But my dear Anis got some girl's problems and we had to balik bilik cepat cepat! Ehem, kesiann Anis. Hehe. ^^ And here am I now, in front of my lappy, doing craps on the Internet. *hemm, patotla internet connection makin slow ek skarang??* Hehe, and my English tutor session awaits at 6 this evening. Ohh, malasnyaaaaa! :P


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Oh, tidak tidak!

:) HELLO and GOOD DAY to everyone (:

Its been a long long time since my last post. But I'm still here, still counting days and week, waiting for my 'BLOGGING MOOD' to come . And here am I! MOOD suda datang! YEHUU. (:

Actually there is no specific thing that I want to story about. Saja-saja ja taip-taip ni. I'm super damn bored. Ngeh ngeh. My facebook account da kena BLOCK! Oh, nooooo. TASUKA taww! Seriously I enjoyed facebooking damn much! HAHA. It was fun having all the crazy conversations (comments of course) with all my friends there. It was fun and I did laughed a lot in front of my lappy when I was on facebook. My roomate said I looked like a freakos bila tengah gelak sorang sorang tu. Wohooo! Tapi sekarang, semua itu tinggal kenangan. It was like, I was having a nightmare last night! Suddenly the admin of the facebook system sent me a warning ; " YOU HAVE BEEN BLOCKED FROM USING THIS APPLICATION AS WE FOUND YOU HAVE OVERUSED IT." Ouh, dangggg! I was like, WTFFF!! Aaaaaaaa! I was about to cry. Napa pulak tiba tiba nak block org niiii? SEDIH SEDIH. Huuuuu. Tapi, I was a bit relief bila 'eteng' told me that this 'blocking' thing is only for a temporary period. "Dalam 2 -3 hari, okay la tuu", kata Encik Eteng. Thanks eteng! Huuuu, sumpah sedih! Now, I can't comment comment macam dulu. I can't gelak gelak macam dulu. Dah la just now ANIS called me and said "Yayan, HUSIN ader facebook kot!" Oh, NOOOO! Tak aci, mesti ANIS nak potong line nehh. :P Ngeh ngeh. Last night I was thinking, nak buat baru facebook account! TAPI, kene add semua org balik. WAH! Susah tu. At last, I decided to wait, and JUST wait for 3 days. Hopefully lepas 3 hari, my account will be okayyyy macam dulu balik! :) AMIN AMIN! (Ouh, I'll COMMIT SUICIDE kalau facebook account tu tak kembali macam dulu!) Isk isk. But if I reflect things back, baguslah facebook kene block. HEHE. Sebab, I could finished my assignment yang ngok ngek tu dengan ketiadaan facebook! Wohoo! Credit to me! :) *Ouh, not to forget; DEVA, ANIS, KAMARUL, NADIA. Thanks you guys!* And guess what? I've already finished all my call lab's work for the headway part! HAHA! SERONOK! Lepas ni buat essay je la aku. HAHAHA! :) ALHAMDULILLAH. :P

I think thats all kot. Nak cerita macam macam nnti orang bosan. HEHE. Malam ni wanna watch TRANSFORMERS! Ouyehhhh! :) To all, do take care and please don't be sad cause, ''Bukankah hidup kita akhirnya harus bahagia?'' So, kenapa sedih sedih? Do enjoy your pleasant life and selalulah berdoa. May every single breath we take, will get the barakah from the Almighty. Insya-Allah. :)