Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm voting for Manis Band in 'Lagu 1Malaysia Kita' competition by Hot FM. ^^

Ohh, firstly I wanna say that yesterday was miserable. HECTIC. My schedule packed with lectures and tutorial sessions - 8 am till 7.30 pm. Ohh, penatnyaaa. Tak sempat online pun! Then malam got silat training pulak. Gooooshhh, mmg penat! But today just got two lectures. YEYE! :)

Just now I am voting a song in 'Lagu 1Malaysia Kita' competition organized by Hot FM. It is open for all Malaysians. You only have to write a song - a NEW NEW song of course! Song about '1Malaysia'. I am sure you all know well what '1Malaysia' is. ^^ So, no need for me to describe more about 1Malaysia here. Kalau still xtawu, gi google kat internet. Okayy? :)

Okay, back to our main story - I was voting for a song. What song? Ngeh ngeh. I voted a really nice song by MANIS BAND titled 'Keranamu Hati Ku Malaysia'. Waaa, MANIS BAND is a newcomer indie band and is the ONLY ONE from their genre that made their way to the FINAL stage. Ouhh, congrats guys! :) I just love the way they expressed their music. Very nice. :)

And if you all are interested to vote for them, or the other songs, or you just wanna look around, just simply go to this URL;

and pls pls pls vote for the best! :) Hohoooo.

Ooookay! IBIS class waiting! TATA, and takecare all. ;)

manis band.


  1. aweks tu buat i rasa manis jer hahaa

  2. haha, correction: AWEK, bukan AWEKS. ngeh ngeh! ^^
    vote la dorang Naz!

  3. saya pun suka lagu drpd manis untuk contest 1malaysia tu. berjiwa remaja. hehe

  4. yeay! :)
    anda hebat chokilala kerana menyokong mereka!
